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 首页 > 班级风采 > 历届班级网页 > 2006届1班 > 作品展示 > 作文天地
A Sunday
作者(来源):五(1)班 蒋悦辰    发布时间:2005-12-01

       Today is Sunday.It’s warm.The sun is shining.We are happy.Because we have a picnic in the park.

       Now we are in the park.The park is very big and beautiful. There are many flowers in the park.The tall trees and the green grass are in it,too.

      It’s haif past twelve in the afternoon.It’s time for lunch.We are hungry.We are sitting on the grass.We have many foods and drinks.Now we are eating and drinking.We are very happy.

      Now we are full.We play with our friends.We fly the kites,play the ball and jump high.We run on the grass.We are tired but we are happy.

      It’s half past two in the afternoon.We must go home.We are very tired.

      This is a Sunday.It’s a happy day.Because we play with friends.We are happy and tried.