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 首页 > 班级风采 > 历届班级网页 > 2009届1班 > 童年物语 > English corner
Stroy1: The Lion and the Lost Meal
作者(来源):[暂无]    发布时间:2009-02-24

One evening, a lion found a hare eating in the grass.

He was very pleased and was just about to eat the hare
when he noticed some deer nearby.
Forgetting the hare, he jumped up and chased after the deer,
making so much noise that the hare finally noticed him and ran away.

After a long chase, the lion realized that he could not catch the deer.
Remembering the hare, he returned to where it had been eating,
only to find that, like the deer, it had gotten away.

"If I hadn't left the hare in the hope of getting something bigger," he said,
"I could've eaten."

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