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 首页 > 班级风采 > 历届班级网页 > 2006届1班 > 作品展示 > 作文天地
A Sunday
作者(来源):五(1)班 庄奕欣    发布时间:2005-12-01

    Today is Sunday.It’s a happy day.

        On Sunday I can play,sing,dance and so on.On Sunday I get up at nine o’clock.It’s late.I don’t eat breakfast .I eat lunch at half past twelve.I eat a hamburger,some Fench fries,a small Coke,an apple-pie…… After lunch,I read my book at one o’clock.I sing and dance at half past three.

       I play with my sister.She is a lovely girl.We run,jump,swing,swim and so on.I’m happy and tired.

      At six o’clock in the evening.I watch television and eat dinner.

      This Sunday is happy and busy.I like Sunday.