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 首页 > 班级风采 > 历届班级网页 > 2009届1班 > 童年物语 > English corner
Stroy2: The Too-Fat Fox
作者(来源):[暂无]    发布时间:2009-02-24

One afternoon, a half-starved fox found some meat that had been left
by shepherds in the hollow of an old oak tree.

The fox crept inside the tree and ate and ate until he could eat no more.
When he had finished, the fox was ready to be on his way,
but he found that his stomach had swollen so much
that he could not get out of the tree.

Another fox, who was passing by, heard his cries for help and
came up to find out what was the matter.
"Well," said the second fox, "I suggest you stay there until you're thin again.
Then you'll be able to get out."  Then he ran away.

So the too-fat fox waited and waited, and, when he was thin again,
he was able to leave the tree.


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