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 首页 > 班级风采 > 历届班级网页 > 2009届1班 > 童年物语 > English corner
作者(来源):[暂无]    发布时间:2009-03-06


<Spring in my eyes>


Spring is my favourite season. It’s warm and wet. Because of it’s weather, I fell good in spring.

In spring,all the animals are awake, like turtles or crocodile. So, going to the zoo in spring is the best. Also, I can see nests and beautiful flowers. Among the flowers are butterflies. In spring, I can finally eat ice-creams, like chocolate flavour, strawberry flavour or the original vanilla flavour. At last, all the plants are green, and when the wind blows, the willows look like a pair of scissors.

   I like spring. And you?
                                                        Wrote by Jonathan


Spring is coming. The weather is warm and wet.

The wind blows and blows. The flowers in the park are blooming. The raindrops fall down on to the willow tree. The leaves grow on the trees. The butterflies and the swallows are flying in the sky.

The children are going to the trees. They are smiling happily.

What a beautiful view!

            Wrote by Jenny



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